Guest Author - Serkan Tufan
""In an iconology book that was published two centuries ago, democracy was illustrated as a women who has a crown of grape leaves, dressed badly, a pomegrane in one hand, a snake in the other hand.
Every era have had democracy speak their own dreams and agendas, every demagog their own lies. Blood has been shed like rivers for the sake of democracy (i.e. French revolution) What is this democracy?
"Pure democracy is the despotism of trash class" says Voltaire. "The base of democracy is grace and virtue" says Montesquieu. DeMaistre says "It is ambition", while For Vacherot, it is the base of justice. Proudhon thinks it is the end of all spiritual and physical rule. Thierry thinks that the end of democratic republics is a moral decay.
When it comes to today, a Weberian sociolog think democracy is different than other political regimes since it proposes freedom first. This notion defines the ultimate purpose of democracy: equality. Yet, there is never pure freedom occuring since if there is ultimate freedom in everything, democracy loses its rationale for existence and leaves its place to anarchy. To fully understand the democracies in history and to define how they deviated from their main purpose, we should compare them with this pure form of democracy. (More info: J. Freund, Le Nouvel Age, Paris, Riviere, 1970).
This is the European understanding of dmeocracy. Here is the Islamic perspective of government:
People are equal by birth. They are equal in being servant to God and being temporary in this world. Then, they gain another equality by faith, they become brothers and sisters. They will benefit from God's bounties equally: equality in law and positivity.
All the personal-dignity the servant of God has is in being a believer. When a servant of God became believer, he also gain a status in the law that equates the begger on the street to sultan.
For Islam, freedom is not a philosophical concept, rather a concept of lawful rights. The base is the belief that all the members in the society has equal rights.
The only ruler is God, the right cannot be emanded to others. God directly gives the authority to the ruler of the country (whether they came by monarchy or by election). There is no physical authority rather than Allah's. To argue agains that is to reject God and assign another God. The ruler of the country is only a tool of God. So, in Islam, there are many ways to rebel against opression and arbitrary actions that is out of the decision of Quran.
People of the book (mainly Christian, Jew and some others) are awarded with a right whose boundaries are defined but guaranteed as long as they accept Islam rule and pay taxes. This protection is like a generousity for the guests. The protected people of the book have less responsibility towards the government and many rights, which also include they are free with their religion and they can apply their rules and laws in their societies.
There is not much protection for those who reject and rebell against God (anarchy, terrorism, and idolatery). Yet, Muslims have also protected them from time to time. Every atheist and idolatery come in the pact as soon as they accept Islam. Islam is a universal religion, it addresses the whole humanity.
There is no social class or cast system in Islam civilization. People are not divided by their status or wealth. A muslim is equal to another. There is no big gap and division between poor and rich . And there is no hatred, jealousy, and disagreement like in many other systems.
Order is Quran's. Law is for all believers. Believers read Quran themselves, memorize, and act accordingly. The power of execution (both for religious and worldy issues) is only God's. This power of execution is applied via a governor who has no law maker or judicial power himself.
Citizenship is not bounded by land or blood, but by faith. There is no translation-meaning of the word "ummah" ("ummat")- this notion of citizenship as politic and religious tie- in European languages. Quran is both a book of servantship and prayer and a constitution book .It addresses all humanity (more info: Gardet, La Cite Musulmane, Paris, Vrin, 1970).
Hence, the main concept in Islam is equality. This is not a purpose but it is a basic right. Freedom, is another image or name of equality. In a religion that does not recognize the social class or superiority of anyone even governer, whose freedom against whom is aimed? West defines freedom as the right to make mistakes. Muslims do not have such as right since they are bounded by the ultimate, universal and eternal truth.
Yes, Islam is the rule of law and order (nomocracy). It had alrady captured the notion of equality that West has been trying to establish. In Islam, the freedom of thought is considered as an education and teaching opportunity rather than a weapon of attack to others. Islam is the exact democracy, but growing in a different climate of spirit and leaning against very different principles.""